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Creating visibility and tracebility
in your supply chain

Cold Chain Management
TempLogic Solutions

When the word "cold" is added to "supply chain" or added in front of "storage" the logistics and distribution dynamics completely change. All of sudden factors such as temperature sensitivity, humidity, efficacy, perishability, capital expenditure, high fixed costs, refrigeration, maintenance, product deterioration, expiry, quality control, monitoring, trained manpower, and power supply become issues that need to be addressed.

TempLogic becomes your answer to your cold-chain issues. TempLogic takes on the responsibility to handle your products with the utmost care and ensures that the stringent quality policies set by you and the regulatory authorities with regards to storage and handling of such products are strictly followed.

With TempLogic as your strategic partner, you now have the flexibility, comfort, and infrastructure to handle more volumes and a greater diversity of cold chain products.